It’s all about you.

Based on your unique requirements and risk tolerance, a diversified portfolio comprised of low-cost, exchange-traded funds is created. Your portfolio is monitored and managed to suit your particular needs and goals.

Your portfolio remains diversified.

Your unique investments may be comprised of 20 asset classes, inclusive of an FDIC-insured cash allocation. Asset classes are comprised of investments such as stocks and bonds designated by various levels of risk and market capitalization.  We continually analyze and update the selected investments in your portfolio by paring down over 1,300 eligible ETFs and 2,700 mutual funds to create customized investment portfolios for you. A watchful eye and periodic rebalancing ensures that your portfolio remains consistent with your unique, targeted risk level when asset classes fluctuate.

It pays to be consistent.

Once funded with a minimum of $5,000, your WealthE portfolio is automatically rebalanced using Charles Schwab’s state-of-the-art algorithm, combined with Berkshire Money Management’s selection process to match your risk tolerance and goals. The frequency of rebalancing trades depends on market volatility. The result is consistent maintenance while not overtrading due to minor derivations in each class.

While constant, accurate rebalancing would be a daunting task for any individual investor, WealthE technology enables investors to streamline the management process, implementing complex rebalancing features accurately and efficiently.

WealthE is focused on you. Online financial management specifically geared towards emerging investors who appreciate accessibility, convenience and professional 24/7 management.